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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 5, 2009

December warmer, drier than usual

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December was warmer and drier than usual with a mean temperature of 18.4 degrees Celsius, 0.6 degrees above normal, and 9mm of rainfall, 25.5mm below average.


Accumulated rainfall for the year was 3,066.2mm, 29% above normal.


Under the influence of a ridge of high pressure over southern China, the weather was fine and dry for the first two days of the month. An easterly airstream brought a few rain patches on December 3.


Under the influence of an intense winter monsoon the weather became cold on December 22 and 23, with the temperature falling to 11.5 degrees on December 23, the lowest of the month.


A cold front crossed the coastal areas of Guangdong December 29 bringing cool and rainy weather for the rest of the month.


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