The Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group on Sustainable Development & Environmental Protection will strive to include the idea of transforming the Pearl River Delta Region into a green and quality living area into the National 12th Five-year Plan.
A more well-rounded and forward-looking strategy will be developed to address common environmental issues and opportunities.
The group held its ninth meeting in Hong Kong today. The two sides agreed to jointly participate at the Eco Expo Asia to be held in the city next year, to showcase regional environmental cooperation achievements, and to promote exchanges and cooperation of the environmental industries in both places.
They will also implement the cleaner production partnership programme to take forward a cooperation agreement to promote energy efficiency, cleaner production and comprehensive use of resources to enterprises in Hong Kong and Guangdong.
Other focus areas for 2009 include:
* continuing to implement the control measures under the management plan to improve regional air quality to achieve the emission-reduction targets by 2010;
* jointly exploring the next stage of the Pearl River estuary water-quality management cooperation;
* continuing work in protecting the Dongjiang water quality and safeguarding the water-supply quality;
* following up on water pollution abatement tasks for Deep Bay (Shenzhen Bay), and carrying out the first review of the water quality regional control strategy for Mirs Bay;
* continuing exchanges and training on afforestation, urban greening, forest pest control and the protection of endangered animal and plant species; and
* enhancing cooperation and exchanges on conservation and research work on fisheries resources development, Chinese white dolphins, sea turtles and coral reefs.
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