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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 12, 2008

Plastic-bag levy can cut use by 80%


The Government hopes to implement the levy on plastic bags in mid-2009 by formulating subsidiary legislation as soon as possible, Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau says.


On a radio programme today, Mr Yau urged people to change their habit by carrying their own shopping bags at all times. Overseas experience showed a similar levy can cut plastic bags' use by as much as 80%.


The bureau will be glad to join voluntary groups in giving support to the needy when the levy is implemented, Mr Yau added.


He said the Legislative Council's recent passage of the Product Eco-responsibility Bill has put in place a framework to facilitate recycling and waste reduction in Hong Kong. Besides the levy, other means include a deposit system.


The Government will continue to discuss with the community and concerned trades whether to introduce voluntary or mandatory schemes for other products, such as electrical appliances, tyres, plastic materials, batteries and packaging materials.