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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 31, 2008
Environmental protection
Tenants' environmental sense improving

Public housing tenants' environmental awareness has been rising in the past two years, Permanent Secretary for Transport & Housing (Housing) Thomas Chan says.


A Chinese University survey showed over 73% of the tenants considered themselves to be more knowledgeable about environmental issues after joining the Green Delight in Estates community environmental programme organised by the Housing Authority. The figure is nearly 6% higher than last year.


More tenants are living a green life as nearly 70% of the respondents practiced source separation of domestic waste while 65% used recycle bags. The numbers are more than 10% higher than two years ago.


The Housing Authority and Green Power, the Conservancy Association and Friends of the Earth will co-organise the programme's third phase this year with the theme Action Blue Sky.


It will start a citywide energy-saving activity in public housing estates to encourage management staff and tenants to practice energy saving. The three green groups will also design in-depth education activities for 30 selected estates.