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February 5, 2008



Air pollution control bill to be tabled soon

Environmental Protection Department

The Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 2008 will be tabled to lawmakers on February 20 to ensure a smooth, timely and transparent implementation of the emission caps for the power sector, the Environment Bureau says.


The bill will stipulate the emission caps for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and respirable suspended particulates from local power plants in 2010 and beyond. It will also allow power plants to use emissions trading, including cross-boundary emissions trading with power plants in the Pearl River Delta Region, as an alternative for achieving the emission caps.


This flexible and cost-effective practice has already been adopted in many countries such as the US and the UK.


The bill will propose barring a public officer from serving as an appeal board member, to boost the appeal system's independence and impartiality. The provision in the Air Pollution Control Ordinance which enables the Director of Environmental Protection to refer an appeal board's decision for review by the Chief Executive in Council will be removed.


The bill, which will further underline the Government's commitment to achieving the 2010 emission-cut targets, will be gazetted tomorrow.