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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 28, 2008

Air quality


Emission cuts progressing well

Environmental Protection Department

The implementation of local emission cuts has been progressing well with the level of nitrogen oxides, respirable suspended particulates and volatile organic compounds in 2006 up to 48% down on 1997, the Environmental Protection Department says.


The department told lawmakers today emission of nitrogen oxides fell 23% on 1997, exceeding the emission-cut target of 20% for 2010. Emission of respirable suspended particulates and volatile organic compounds also fell 48% and 40%, a step nearer to the target of 55%.


Owing to a rise in the use of coal in power generation in recent years, the emission level of sulphur dioxide rose 12%, which has come down from the peak of 46% above the 1997 figure in 2004.


Tougher control

To step up local efforts in emission reduction, the department will consult stakeholders on tougher control of emissions from petrol and liquefied petroleum gas vehicles. The plan to mandate the use of ultra-low sulphur diesel in industrial and commercial processes will be tabled to Legislative Council by mid-2008.


The department will consult the public on specifications for pure biodiesel and biodiesel blended with motor vehicle diesel in the law to boost the development of the biodiesel market. The relevant legislation is expected to take effect early next year.


Turning to the one-off grant scheme to encourage car owners to replace their pre-Euro and Euro I commercial diesel vehicles, the department said 3,100 applications were received in November, with 2,900 approved. It also endorsed nearly all 2,800 applications for a 30% cut in the first registration tax for environmentally-friendly cars.


Renewable energy

Power generation is the largest local source of sulphur-dioxide emission and the department said China Light & Power's commercial scale wind turbine pilot demonstration project will be commissioned on Hei Ling Chau this year.


Proposed law changes to stipulate the emission caps for power plants in 2010 and beyond, and to allow them to use emissions trading as an alternative means for achieving the emission caps will be tabled to lawmakers.


On Hong Kong-Mainland co-operation the department said a five-year cleaner production partnership programme will start in April to encourage Hong Kong-owned factories operating in the Pan Pearl River Delta region to adopt cleaner production technologies and practices.