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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 10, 2007


HK, Guangdong to promote energy efficiency

Hong Kong and Guangdong will promote energy efficiency and cleaner production to enterprises in both places, and boost co-operation in the implementation of the five-year Cleaner Production Partnership Programme.


The Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group on Sustainable Development & Environmental Protection today held its eighth meeting in Guangzhou and agreed on the work plan for 2008.


Efforts will be made to follow up and implement the measures as recommended in the mid-term review of the Regional Air Quality Management Plan, and to strive to meet the 2010 emissions reduction targets.


Both sides will strengthen collaboration in regional water quality protection, and to safeguard the quality of water resources.


Hong Kong and Guangdong will proactively implement the Deep Bay (Shenzhen Bay) Water Pollution Control Joint Implementation Programme. Both sides will also continue to implement technical exchanges and training programmes on the conservation of marine resources and animals, as well as afforestation.