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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 7, 2007
Huidong lightning sensor station opens
lightning sensor

Lightning locator: Hong Kong Observatory Director Lam Chiu-ying and guests launch the Huidong lightning sensor station in Huizhou.

Lightning detection to the east of Hong Kong has been strengthened with the commissioning of the Huidong lightning sensor station in Huizhou, Guangdong, today.


Located to the northeast of Hong Kong the new station expands thunderstorm monitoring coverage to the east.


Together with lightning sensor stations in Hong Kong, at Sanshui in Foshan, Guangdong, and on Taipa, Macau, the expanded network enables more comprehensive monitoring of thunderstorm development in the Pearl River Delta.


Hong Kong Observatory Director Lam Chiu-ying said the lightning location network set up by Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macau is a win-win model benefiting all sides.


"It has brought new opportunities in the delivery of weather services and usefully supplements the present thunderstorm warnings issued by the meteorological services," Mr Lam said.


Meanwhile, the Observatory also launched an enhanced lightning location information webpage today to strengthen the dissemination of thunderstorm information. It provides more geographical references, such as swimming pools, country parks and reservoirs, to make it easier for the public to identify locations affected by lightning.