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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 30, 2007
VOC controls to be phased in
Publicity leaflets
Enhance awareness: A series of publicity leaflets have been published to introduce the new regulation on volatile organic compounds.

The Environmental Protection Department says the regulation curbing local emissions of volatile organic compounds will be phased in from April 1.


The Air Pollution Control (Volatile Organic Compounds) Regulation will impose a direct ban on the import and local manufacture of products with VOC contents exceeding prescribed limits.


The products that come under control include architectural paints, printing inks and six types of consumer goods - hairsprays, air-fresheners, insecticides, insect repellents, floor-wax strippers and multi-purpose lubricants.


The regulation also requires that emission reduction devices be installed on certain printing machines.


The department said VOCs played a significant role in the formation of ozone and respirable suspended particulates, major pollutants giving rise to smog in the Pearl River Delta.


The department expects about 8,000 tonnes of local VOC emissions will be reduced by introducing the regulation, adding it will also bring Hong Kong to the forefront of VOC control in the world.


"It will ultimately enable Hong Kong to meet its air quality objectives, significantly improve local and regional air quality, as well as relieve the regional smog problem to a great extent," he said.


Further details of the new regulation are available on the department's website.