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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 8, 2007
HK, Mainland sign oceanography pact
Chen Lianzeng and Lam Chiu-ying
Oceanography pact: Deputy Director of the State Oceanic Administration Chen Lianzeng and Director of the Hong Kong Observatory Lam Chiu-ying sign the agreement on co-operation in oceanography.

Hong Kong and the Mainland have signed an agreement on co-operation in oceanography to enhance forecasting of hazardous oceanic events.


The Hong Kong Observatory and the State Oceanic Administration will exchange data and technology on the observation and forecasting of typhoons, storm surges, wind waves, sea fog and tsunamis.


Exchange of tropical cyclone information between the two parties dates back to the 1980s. To raise public awareness on tsunamis, they co-operated last year to translate the popular scientific publication Tsunami - the Great Waves into Chinese, and published the booklet in Hong Kong and on the Mainland.