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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 3, 2007
December sunnier, warmer than normal
HK Observatory

December 2006 was sunnier and warmer than normal, with the monthly total bright sunshine duration at 209.7 hours, 28.2 hours above normal, and the monthly mean temperature at 18.2 degrees Celsius, 0.6 degree higher than normal.


Under dry conditions, the red fire danger warning was issued for consecutive 232.5 hours from December 16 to 26. The monthly rainfall was 29.9 millimetres, 2.6 millimetres above the normal.


Under the influence of the northeast monsoon, the weather was generally fine in the first seven days of the month. With the moderation of the northeast monsoon, it was warm and hazy on December 8 with the maximum temperature rising to 25.6 degrees Celsius, the highest in the month.


The weather turned cloudy on December 9 when a cold front moved across the south China coast that morning. The weather stayed cloudy the next day. It was hazy with sunny periods on December 11 and 12.


A northeast monsoon reached the south China coastal area on December 13, bringing some rain to the city. It was cool and rainy in the next two days. A replenishment of the northeast monsoon cleared the clouds later on December 16. The weather became fine, cold and dry in the ensuing two days. The temperature on December 18 dropped to 12 degrees Celsius, the lowest in the month. Under the influence of a continental flow, generally fine and dry weather persisted for the rest of the month.