Lightning detectors: HK Observatory director Lam Chiu Ying (centre) inspects a Pearl River Delta lightning network station at Sanshui in Guangdong. |
The Lightning Location Network website, which monitors thunderstorms over the Pearl River Estuary, will have great significance in disaster prevention and economic development in the region, Hong Kong Observatory director Lam Chiu Ying says.
Launching the network at the Sanshui Meteorological Bureau in Foshan, Guangdong, today Mr Lam said it not only improves detection and accuracy, but also enlarges the information coverage across the entire Pearl River Delta.
Jointly established by the Guangdong Meteorological Bureau, Hong Kong Observatory and Macau Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau, the network offers the latest lightning location information, allowing the public to take precautions in planning outdoor activities.
Wide coverage
The network comprises five stations - three in Hong Kong, at Chung Hom Kok, Sha Tau Kok and Tsim Bei Tsui, and two at Sanshui in Guangdong and Taipa, Macau.
The site is updated every five minutes and is also disseminated through a PDA website and the Dial-a Weather system number 1878 200.
Also officiating at the launch, Guangdong Meteorological Bureau director Yu Yong said damage caused by thunderstorms has aroused public concern.
He said over the past two decades, the three jurisdictions have established a good foundation for co-operation towards disaster prevention.
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