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June 18, 2009
April goods exports down 16.1%
Census & Statistics Department

April saw the volume of total goods exports fall 16.1% and the volume of goods imports drop 15.2% on a year earlier, the Census & Statistics Department says. The volume of goods re-exports fell 15.5% while that of domestic exports fell 37.2%.


The volume of goods re-exports in the first four months fell 19.8%, while that of domestic exports dropped 41.8%. Taken together, the volume of total goods exports fell 20.5% while the volume of goods imports dropped 20.3%.


Comparing the quarter ending April with a quarter earlier on a seasonally adjusted basis, the volume of total goods exports fell 6.9%. Within this, the volume of re-exports fell 6.8% while that of domestic exports dropped 7.7%. The volume of goods imports fell 7.2%.


In April, the prices of goods re-exports went up 1% on a year earlier while those of domestic exports grew 0.6%. Taken together, the prices of total goods exports rose 1%. The prices of goods imports fell 0.5%.


Comparing the first four months over a year earlier, the prices of goods re-exports grew 2.1% while those of domestic exports rose 2%. Taken together, the prices of total goods exports went up 2.1%. The prices of goods imports rose 0.6%.


Price growth

The terms of trade index rose 1.4% in April over the same period last year and 1.5% in the first four months of 2009.


The month saw the total export volume to the UK, the US, Germany and Japan dip 28.7%, 26.1%, 23.8% and 22.3% on a year earlier. The total export volume to the Mainland fell 7.7%.


The total export prices to the US, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom rose 3.9%, 3.3%, 3.1% and 2.3%, while the total export prices to the Mainland fell 0.4%.


Double-digit falls were recorded for the import volume from Japan (-27.3%), the Mainland (-15.5%), Taiwan (-14.3%) and Singapore (-11.9%). The import volume from the US fell 1.9%.


The import prices from Singapore, Taiwan and the US dropped 5.7%, 2.5% and 0.6%, while those from Japan and the Mainland rose 0.1% and 1.7%.

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* Statistical Bookstore, Hong Kong *
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