Free trade: Chief Executive Donald Tsang urges world leaders to stick with commitments to further liberalise trade and investment. |
Chief Executive Donald Tsang has urged world leaders not to step back from commitments to further liberalise trade and investment.
Speaking at the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation Economic Leaders' Meeting in Lima yesterday Mr Tsang said governments should take the lead in encouraging and facilitating more intra-regional trade and investment and reaffirm their commitment to achieving the Bogor Goals.
"I also hope we can give a much-needed and collective push to the WTO's Doha Round - to build on the progress made during the WTO Ministerial meeting in July, and to intensify efforts to reach agreement on the modalities by this year for achieving an ambitious and balanced outcome," Mr Tsang said.
Mr Tsang said leaders should not underestimate the extent to which public spending can keep domestic economies turning at a time when private investment and construction are under severe strain and are likely to remain stressed for some time.
He urged Member Economies to resist the temptation to cut government expenditure in response to the global economic slowdown.
Mr Tsang also joined other economic leaders to meet APEC Business Advisory Council members to exchange views on ways to further the work of APEC.
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