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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 16, 2008


Chosen firms urged to return questionnaire
Census & Statistics Department

Commissioner for Census & Statistics Fung Hing-wang today urged companies receiving the questionnaire for the 2008 Annual Survey of Companies in Hong Kong Representing Parent Companies Located Outside Hong Kong to fulfil their social responsibilities by completing and returning it promptly, stressing their views are vital.


The department conducts the survey annually to collect updated information for the Government to formulate strategies for fostering a favourable business environment in Hong Kong.


The voluntary statistical survey covers all companies in economic sectors in Hong Kong that represent their parent companies located outside Hong Kong. The collected information will be kept in strict confidence. Only aggregate information, which does not reveal individual companies details, will be released.


Where appropriate, the department will visit individual companies and assist them in completing the questionnaire. Staff will each carry a Government Identity Card and a certificate for inspection.


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