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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 14, 2008
Goods re-export volume swells 6.5%
External merchandise trade
Re-export report: Trade The volume of Hong Kong's re-exports of goods grew 6.5% in December over the same month last year, while that of domestic exports rose 3.8%.

The volume of Hong Kong's re-exports of goods grew 6.5% in December over the same month last year, while that of domestic exports rose 3.8%, the Census & Statistics Department says.


Taken together the volume of total exports of goods grew 6.4%. Concurrently the volume of imports of goods rose 9.9%.


Comparing last year with 2006 the volume of re-exports of goods rose 9.9%, while the figure for domestic exports fell 19.8%. Taken together the volume of total exports of goods grew 8.3%. Concurrently the volume of imports rose 10.4%.


Comparing last year's fourth quarter with the preceding quarter on a seasonally-adjusted basis the volume of total exports grew 1.8%. Within this total the volume of re-exports rose 1.9%, while the figure for domestic exports was virtually unchanged. Concurrently the volume of imports of goods grew 3.6%.


More information is available in the December 2007 issue of the Hong Kong Merchandise Trade Index Numbers, which can be downloaded free here.