In June, the volume of Hong Kong's goods re-exports rose 12.8% over the same month last year, while that of domestic exports fell 19.7%. Taken together, the volume of total goods exports rose 10.9%.
The volume of goods imports in June grew 12.8%.
Goods re-exports prices rose 1.9%, while those of domestic exports grew 0.4%. Taken together, total goods exports prices rose 1.8%.
Goods imports prices grew 1.4% in June.
In the first half of this year, the volume of Hong Kong's goods re-exports rose 11.9%, whereas that of domestic exports dropped 26.4%. Taken together, the total exports volume grew 9.6%. In the period, the volume of goods imports rose 10.6%.
In the same period, goods re-exports prices rose 2.4%, while those of domestic exports rose 0.5%. Taken together, thetotal goods exports prices grew 2.3%. Goods imports prices rose 2.2%.