Trade fair: Secretary for Commerce, Industry & Technology Joseph Wong and InvestHK Director-General Mike Rowse (2nd and 1st from right) join guests at the 10th China International Fair for Investment & Trade. |
Invest Hong Kong Director-General Mike Rowse says helping more Mainland companies expand internationally is the Government's top priority.
Speaking at the 10th China International Fair for Investment & Trade in Xiamen today, Mr Rowse said Hong Kong gives Mainland companies the best possible chance of success.
"Private companies in the Mainland are maturing quickly, and many are capable of going global," he said. "They can test and fine-tune their products in our full-blown market economy, and use it as a springboard to move further afield."
InvestHK helped 21 Mainland companies establish or expand operations in Hong Kong from January to June, and expects by year's-end to top the record of 38 achieved last year.
The agency offers a wide range of services, entirely free of charge. These include advice on Hong Kong's regulatory and business environments, sector-specific consultations and detailed guidance on incorporation. It also facilitates contacts with other government departments in the city, and provides introductions to prospective business partners.
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