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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 21, 2006
Port transhipment cargo on the rise
Census & Statistics Department

Hong Kong's port transhipment cargo recorded an average annual growth rate of 12% from 2000 to 2005, the Census & Statistics Department says. It took up 47% of the city's port cargo throughput last year.


The August issue of the Monthly Digest of Statistics features an analysis of port cargo statistics from 2000 to 2005.


The port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and the Mainland accounted for 44% of Hong Kong's port transhipment cargo. About 74% of this was between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region.


Other features

The digest contains three other notable feature articles:

* the results of the 2004-05 Household Expenditure Survey;

* the Social Security Assistance Index of Prices; and,

* the Technology Balance of Payments Statistics of Hong Kong, 2000-04.


It is now on sale at $80 per issue. To buy a hardcopy by mail order, return a completed order form that can be downloaded from the department's website. It can be purchased at the department's Publications Unit on the 19/F of Wan Chai Tower at 12 Harbour Road in Wan Chai. For enquiries, call 2582 3025.


Print versions purchased online are offered at a 15% discount, at the Statistical Bookstore and at the Government Bookstore.