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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 18, 2006
Domestic exports up 20.6% in June
Census & Statistics Department

The volume of Hong Kong's goods re-exports rose 6.5% in June over the same month last year, while domestic exports grew 20.6%. Taken together, the volume of total goods exports rose 7.2%, while the volume of goods imports grew 8%.


The Census & Statistics Department said, comparing the first half of 2006 with the same period in 2005, the volume of Hong Kong's goods re-exports rose 9%, while that of domestic exports grew 32.4%. Taken together, the volume of total goods exports grew 10.2%, while the volume goods imports rose 10.1%.


Goods imports prices up 2.6%

Comparing the second quarter of 2006 with the preceding quarter on a seasonally adjusted basis, the volume of total goods exports fell 1.4%. Within this total, the volume of re-exports fell 1%, while that of domestic exports slipped 6.9%. At the same time, the volume of goods imports dropped 1.5%.


Comparing June with the same month last year, the prices of goods re-exports rose 1.3%, while those of domestic exports fell 3.3%. Taken together, the prices of total goods exports rose 1%, while the prices of goods imports rose 2.6%.