Thirty-three people from the industrial and business, professional, labour and academic sectors have been invited as panelists to attend the Economic Summit on China's 11th 5-Year Plan & the Development of Hong Kong to be held September 11 at the Convention & Exhibition Centre.
A plenary discussion will be held that morning. In the afternoon panelists will join one of the four concurrent focus groups on Trade & Business, Financial Services, Maritime, Logistics & Infrastructure, and Professional Services, Innovation & Technology, & Tourism for detailed discussions.
The summit will provide a platform for the Government and these sectors to discuss how Hong Kong should respond to the challenges and opportunities arising from the 11th 5-Year Plan and to form strategic proposals.
After the summit, the focus groups will continue to meet to discuss the range of strategic proposals, with each submitting an 'action agenda' setting out specific follow-up actions to the Chief Executive by year's-end. Additional members will be co-opted into the focus groups if the need arises.
Click here for the list of panelists.