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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 14, 2006
New taskforce to review food premises licences

A new task force chaired by legislator Tommy Cheung under the Business Facilitation Advisory Committee has been formed to oversee a review on the regulatory regime of food premises licences.


In its first meeting today, the committee reviewed the work progress of the four task forces on pre-construction, the construction stage of the development process, town planning and retail.


Members agreed the review of regulatory regimes should continue under the respective task forces, which include representatives from the trade and trade associations.


The committee also discussed with representatives of the Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry on the regulatory activities affecting the business environment of the pharmaceutical sector.


Chaired by Anthony Nightingale, the committee will take forward the business facilitation efforts of the former Economic & Employment Council.


The Economic Analysis & Business Facilitation Unit under the Financial Secretary's Office will provide secretarial support to the task forces and will also follow up with other business facilitation work for sectors not covered by the task forces.


Ongoing studies include approvals for plumbing design and installations in new buildings review, private certification of building submissions and places of public entertainment licence application review.