No final World Trade Organisation agreement on the Doha Round Development Agenda will be signed at its 6th Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong in December, the Trade & Industry Department says.
The Doha Round Development Agenda is expected to be concluded by 2006-7. The department today clarified a report quoting a non-governmental organisation that they will lobby WTO members attending the Hong Kong conference to prevent the signing of agreement that will damage the environment.
The conference will be an important milestone in the course of the Doha Round trade negotiations. WTO members are working on the agenda to slash subsidies, reduce tariffs, non-tariff barriers, trade distorting measures in goods and agriculture products, and to form WTO rules relating to anti-dumping and dispute settlement.
Benefiting trade & environment
With respect to the environment, the Doha Round agenda emphasises the objectives of having sustainable development and enhancing the mutual supportiveness of trade and environment. This requires that any agreements relating to environment that are signed at the end of the Doha Round will benefit trade, the environment and development.
The department reiterated the Government is working to make the Hong Kong conference a success to facilitate a successful conclusion to the agenda by 2006-7, which will be a huge boost to world trade and global prosperity.
Dialogue with local and overseas NGOs and other groups will be maintained in the run-up to and during the conference, to facilitate their freedom of expression and conduct of orderly and peaceful demonstrations.