The relocation of manufacturing processes to the Mainland has diminished the importance of domestic exports in Hong Kong's total exports, the Census & Statistics Department says, adding the majority of Hong Kong's total exports are now re-exports.
In a feature article published in the latest issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics, the department said Hong Kong is an externally oriented economy and the performance of external trade has a significant impact on its economy.
In 2004, the value of Hong Kong's imports amounted to $2.111 trillion, while that of total exports was $2.019 trillion.
The ratio of the value of total exports to Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product was 1.57, while that of the value of imports to GDP was 1.65.
The latest issue of the monthly digest also contains the following feature articles:
*"The Movement of the Unemployment Rate in 2004";
*"Statistics on Electronic Products & the Electronics Industry";
*"The Fertility Trend in Hong Kong, 1975-2004"; and
*"Public Transport Patronage of Hong Kong, 1994-2004".
Sales details
The issue is on sale at $77 per issue. A downloadable version can be purchased at 75% of its original price exclusively at the online Statistical Bookstore.
Print versions if purchased online are also offered a discount, at 85% of their original prices at the Statistical Bookstore as well as the Government Bookstore.
Purchases can also be made in person at the Publications Unit of the department on 19/F, Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. For enquiries, call 2582 3025.