The average annual salary increase for the middle-level managerial and professional employees was 2.6% over the past decade, the Census & Statistics Department says.
In the latest issue of the HK Monthly Digest of Statistics, the department said there was apparent variation in the rate of change throughout the period.
The average annual rate of change was 7.9% for the period 1995-1998. It reversed to -0.7% for the period 1999-2004.
This significant reversion reflected the ongoing downward adjustment in costs and prices in the local economy in recent years, the department said.
The latest issue of the HK Monthly Digest of Statistics is now available for sale at $77.
Both the print version and download version can be purchased online at the Statistical Bookstore.
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Purchases can also be made in person at the department's Publications Unit, 19/F, Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. Questions? Call 2582 3025.
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