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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 16, 2009
Mainland affairs

Media rights concern forwarded


The incident of Hong Kong journalists being taken away by Mainland public security officers in Xinjiang is being followed up, the Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Stephen Lam says.


He told Legislators today the Government conveyed the strong views of the Hong Kong media to the Xinjiang government through the Hong Kong & Macau Affairs Office right after the September incident.


"Our main focus is to ensure Hong Kong journalists are able to conduct lawful reporting activities on the Mainland. The Government has all along been following up the matter through appropriate channels," Mr Lam said.


After the debate of the motion on "Defending Press Freedom" at the council meeting on October 21, the Government conveyed legislators' views through the Hong Kong & Macau Affairs Office, including re-investigation of the incident and disclosure of the results.


Chief Executive Donald Tsang also received confirmation from Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu the Central Government's established policy is to protect the rights of Hong Kong journalists to conduct lawful reporting activities on the Mainland.