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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
November 6, 2009
Political development
Gov't to work for more democratic system: CE
Donald Tsang
Consensus call: Chief Executive Donald Tsang tells reporters he hopes LegCo and the community will work towards an election consensus for 2012.

It should be a common goal for Hong Kong people to have a more democratic political system in 2012 and the Government will work towards it, Chief Executive Donald Tsang says.


Mr Tsang met with legislators today to listen to their views before releasing the public consultation paper on the election methods for the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council in 2012.


"There have been diverse views on the electoral arrangements for 2012. On the face of it, it may appear it is a difficult task for a consensus to emerge. But I do believe, however, despite all these differences, Hong Kong people have a common goal. We all want our political system to be more democratic in 2012. In my discussions with legislators today, I feel strongly this is a vision we all share. This is the common ground we should treasure and build on," he told reporters.


Noting political reform is not a "zero-sum game", Mr Tsang said exactly how to take each step forward is something that requires rational discussion, practical negotiation, and, most important, a commitment to Hong Kong's long-term interests.


He said it is also important to act in accordance with the law by basing the consultation firmly on the principles enshrined in the Basic Law and the National People's Congress Standing Committee's decision in 2007.


"We should all work towards a consensus," Mr Tsang said, adding he will reflect lawmakers' views in the consultation paper as far as possible and the Government will continue to listen to them and other sectors of the community during the consultation period.