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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 3, 2009



IRD meets performance pledges

Inland Revenue Department

The Inland Revenue Department achieved the targets for most of its performance pledges and exceeded some in 2008-09.


Acting Commissioner of Inland Revenue Chu Yam-yuen said today one of the achievements was to shorten the time for issuing tax refunds arising from revision of assessment from 21 working days to 12 thanks to computer enhancement, automation and upgraded work procedures.


"Our e-stamping service attracts a large number of users. Currently for e-stamping of assignments, sale and purchase agreements and lease agreements through GovHK, the department pledges to issue stamp certificates instantly where payment of stamp duty is made by online mode, or within two working days if payment is made offline," Mr Chu said.


The other new pledges include issuing electronic receipts to eTAX account holders for tax payments made by electronic means and complaint handling.