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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 1, 2009
Honours list

444 people to receive honours


The Chief Executive has accorded awards to 444 people in this year's Honours List. Chief Secretary Henry Tang, Dr Hari Naroomal Harilela and Monetary Authority Chief Executive Joseph Yam are Grand Bauhinia Medallists.


Of the 444 awardees, 12 are Gold, 28 Silver and 43 Bronze Bauhinia Star recipients. Ten have been awarded the Distinguished and 41 the Meritorious Service Medal for the disciplined services and the Independent Commission Against Corruption, one the Bronze Medal for Bravery and 59 the Medal of Honour.


A total of 111 and 136 people have been awarded the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service and for Government-Public Service.


The honours recognise the recipients' significant contribution to Hong Kong, and their dedicated public and community service. The presentation ceremony will be held in October.