Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang will leave for Shanghai July 1 to officiate at Hong Kong's opening ceremony, and attend the Hong Kong Pavilion foundation completion ceremony, at Expo 2010 Shanghai, China, July 2.
In Shanghai Mr Tang will also call on municipal government leaders and meet with officials of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai Executive Committee and the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Co-ordination to discuss the expo's preparatory work and Hong Kong's participation in it.
Delegation members include Permanent Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Joshua Law, Permanent Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Duncan Pescod, Director of Information Services Betty Fung and Acting Director of Leisure & Cultural Services Chung Ling-hoi.
Mr Tang will head to Chengdu on July 4 to inspect the progress of some Hong Kong- funded post-quake reconstruction projects and hold a meeting with Sichuan leaders.
Accompanying Mr Tang will be Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Stephen Lam and Permanent Secretary Joshua Law, and other government representatives.
Mr Tang will return to Hong Kong July 6. During his absence Secretary for Education Michael Suen will be acting Chief Secretary July 1 to 5 followed by Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee on July 6.