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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 14, 2009
Number of LegCo seats under study

Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Stephen Lam says the Government will consider whether the number of Legislative Council seats should rise in 2012, adding it is inappropriate to increase financial assistance to political parties with public funds.


Mr Lam today told lawmakers if the Government enhances financial assistance only for political parties, it may be unfair to independents and might constrain their participation in politics.


According to overseas experience Governments providing financial assistance to political parties also introduce regulations on their operations, for example, requiring parties to disclose the origins of their funds. This might hinder rather than promote the development of political parties, he said.


As Hong Kong political parties are still developing the public may not endorse the use public funds to finance their operations, he added.


"All mature political parties around the world raise funds on their own by seeking public support for their philosophy. The development of political parties in Hong Kong should continue to move in this direction."