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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
October 15, 2008
Policy Address
More new members to join ExCo
New members will be appointed to the Executive Council in light of recent developments, Chief Executive Donald Tsang says, adding the public will be consulted in the first half of 2009 on the electoral methods for 2012.


Unveiling the 2008-09 Policy Address, Mr Tsang said a new five-year policy agenda was announced last year and a new Legislative Council elected in September.


"In light of these developments, I have decided to appoint new members to the Executive Council, which will continue to operate under the principles of confidentiality and collective responsibility. I will announce the new membership shortly," he added.


Noting there are many new lawmakers, Mr Tsang hoped this will bring fresh thinking and a change to the relationship between the Executive Authorities and the Legislature.


Closer ties

"We will face many challenges in the coming year. The Executive Authorities and the Legislature must co-operate closely before we can take solid action in the interests of our community," he said.


"I will foster multi-level, multi-front communication between the Executive Authorities and the Legislature. Government officials at different levels - the Chief Executive, the three Secretaries, all Directors of Bureaux, as well as Under Secretaries and Political Assistants - will maintain dialogue with Members when formulating policies, and seek their views as early as possible.


"I have asked all my politically-appointed officials to reach out to the community more proactively and to visit districts to listen to public views and work with stakeholders."


Noting one of the challenges lies in effective governance and the public's trust in the Government, the Chief Executive has pledged to draw lessons from the controversy and criticisms over the expansion of the Political Appointment System as Hong Kong's political system evolves.


Electoral methods

On universal suffrage Mr Tsang said the top priority for the third-term Hong Kong Government is to determine the two electoral methods for 2012 with a view to democratising the election systems.


"In the first half of 2009, we will consult the public on the methods for electing the Chief Executive and for forming the Legislative Council in 2012. I hope that in the coming years, different sectors and political parties will be pragmatic and make good use of the time to forge a consensus for the electoral arrangements in 2012," he added.