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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 21, 2008

Timetable helps LegCo work with Gov't


The Constitution & Mainland Affairs Bureau today emphasises the timetable for  universal suffrage will motivate the Leglative Council and the community to work with the Government towards securing consensus for implementing universal suffrage for the Chief Executive in 2017 and for LegCo in 2020.


The bureau also said human rights in Hong Kong are fully protected by law and the Government is firmly committed to protecting the freedom of speech and of the press, and maintaining an environment in which a free and active press could operate under minimum regulation.


Between now and 2012, the Government will roll forward Hong Kong's electoral methods to a mid-way point. The Chief Executive has set up a task group on constitutional development under the Commission on Strategic Development to consider the two electoral methods for 2012. The task group concluded discussions in late June.


The public consultation will be undertaken as soon as possible, to determine the two electoral methods for 2012 within the tenure of the Hong Kong Government's third term.