Have your say: Electoral Affairs Commission Chairman Justice Pang Kin-kee (left) announces the 2008 LegCo election arrangements. |
The Legislative Council election will be held on September 7, with the nomination period running from July 19 to August 1, Electoral Affairs Commission Chairman Justice Pang Kin-kee says.
About 530 polling stations across Hong Kong will be open from 7.30am to 10.30pm on the polling day.
Speaking at a press conference today, Mr Pang said a poll card and location map will be mailed to each voter about 10 days before the polling day. The map will indicate whether a polling station is accessible to disabled electors.
A disabled elector who finds it difficult to access the designated polling station can apply for re-allocation to another polling station on or before September 2.
Voting procedures
A geographical constituency elector should use the chop provided to stamp on the ballot paper with a "tick" in the circle corresponding to the list of candidates of his choice, and fold the ballot paper inward in half before putting it into the blue ballot box.
Ballot papers for functional constituencies should be put into the red ballot box, face down without being folded.
After the polls close, most polling stations will be turned into counting stations for counting geographical constituency votes. Functional constituencies votes will be delivered to the International Trade & Exhibition Centre in Kowloon Bay for central counting.
Election results for all of the 60 seats will be announced at the International Trade & Exhibition Centre.
For guidelines on election-related activities, nomination forms and other related information, click here. Enquiries can be made at 2891 1001.
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