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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 31, 2008

Human resources

Civil-service establishment to rise 1%

The civil-service establishment will expand about 1% to around 164,500 by the end of March next year, but the portion of civil-service pay and staff-related expenses in the Government's operating expenditure is expected to drop to about 27% or $69.5 billion, Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue says.


Speaking at a Legislative Council Finance Committee Special Meeting today, Miss Yue said at the end of March last year the civil-service establishment stood at 161,015, representing an 18% cut when compared with the establishment of around 198,000 in early 2000.


Taking into the account the need to implement policy initiatives and meet the community's rising demand for public services, as well as the phased replacement of certain non-civil service contract positions by civil service posts, Miss Yue expected the civil-service establishment to expand about 1%.


On the resumption of civil-servant recruitment, she said about 50 open recruitment exercises have been conducted since last April and 1,260 offers of appointment to the civil service have been made. The annual pay-trend surveys are being conducted under an improved methodology.


Miss Yue said with the downward adjustments or revisions to the civil-service establishment, civil-service pay and fringe benefits in the past few years, the portion of civil-service pay and staff-related expenses in the Government's operating expenditure may drop to about 27% or $69.5 billion in 2008-09, compared to about 36% or $71.2 billion in 2001-02.


She pledged the Administration will upgrade civil-service management to ensure the civil service continues to render quality public service to the community.