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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 25, 2008
HK, Shenzhen sign survey pact
Planning Department

A co-operation agreement has been signed to survey Hong Kong people living in Shenzhen, the first such project between the two cities, the Planning Department says. A meeting will soon be convened to discuss the survey's approach and methodology.


Director of Planning Ava Ng and Shenzhen Municipal Statistics Bureau Director Deng Ping signed the pact in Shenzhen today.


Shenzhen is one of the most popular places for Hong Kong people to live and work. It is the intention of the Hong Kong and Shenzhen sides to understand the situation of Hong Kong people living and working in Shenzhen as well as their socio-economic relationship with Hong Kong.


The survey, to be completed in 10 months, will be conducted in two stages. The first involves examining the number and distribution of Hong Kong people currently living in Shenzhen to facilitate a questionnaire survey in stage two, targeting up to 5,000 people by random sampling.


Survey results will provide useful reference to the strategic planning and land-use plan for both Hong Kong and Shenzhen.