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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 14, 2008
Interactive HK-Taiwan ties pledged

The Government is committed to promoting a robust and interactive relationship with Taiwan in a positive and constructive manner, the Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Bureau says, adding exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan have achieved significant progress in recent years.


Responding to Chung Hwa Travel Service's Yang Jia-jiunn's remarks on Hong Kong-Taiwan ties today, the bureau said the Government conducts its relationship with Taiwan under the 'One China' principle and is guided by the 'Qian 7' principles.


Hong Kong's trade, tourism and other links with Taiwan have been growing and the island is Hong Kong's fourth largest trading partner, with bilateral trade amounting to $240 billion in 2006, up 13% on a year earlier.


More than 2 million Taiwan visitors come to Hong Kong yearly. To offer a more convenient and timely platform for entry application, the iPermit application service was introduced in 2002. A new arrangement was adopted in 2006 allowing Taiwan residents to plan their visits more flexibly, which in turn, promotes exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan.


On the political front, the Government has received Taiwan legislators and officials in the past few years to exchange views and experiences. Assistance has also been rendered in arranging dozens of delegations from Taiwan comprising the media, professional bodies, business people, students and academia to visit Hong Kong, to enhance their understanding of the city.