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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 9, 2008
Arthur Li's bank appointment endorsed

The Advisory Committee on Post-office Employment for Former Chief Executives & Politically Appointed Officials says it has no objection to Secretary for Education & Manpower Professor Arthur Li's appointment as a non-executive director of the Bank of East Asia Board of Directors from January 10.


The advisory committee received a request for advice from Professor Li about the appointment. Noting the functions of Bank of East Asia Board of Directors are not related to the official dealings of his former position in the Government the committee said there would be no conflict of interest, nor would the proposed appointment create public perception problems.


The committee added the appointment would not cause the bank to gain an unfair advantage over its competitors.


Within one year after stepping down from office former politically-appointed officials must seek the advice of the committee before taking up employment.


It is chaired by Justice Pang Kin-kee with members Henry Fan, Lee Chack-fan, Norman Leung and Elizabeth Shing.