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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
October 26, 2007
Policy address
More elderly assistance being considered

The Chief Executive's Office says it has noted lawmakers' suggestions in today's debate on the motion of thanks and will consider various measures to render more assistance to the elderly.


The Legislative Council today passed a revised motion of thanks on the 2007-08 Policy Address. The Chief Executive's Office said the Government will implement the policy measures introduced in the document in a pragmatic way.


It will also strive to realise the three overall goals under the 'Progressive Development' concept. It will insist on promoting economic development as its primary objective; insist that development be sustainable, balanced and diversified; and insist that development brings about social harmony, with different strata of people sharing the benefits.


It said the Chief Executive has outlined a list of comprehensive measures tailored to strengthen elderly care in areas like medicine, healthcare and housing.