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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 19, 2007

LegCo by-election nominations open Oct 17

Justice Pang Kin-kee (right)
Poll preparations: Electoral Affairs Commission chairman Justice Pang Kin-kee (right) shows the press the ballot paper and chop for the 2007 District Council election.

The two-week nomination period for the Legislative Council Hong Kong Island geographical constituency by-election will run from October 17 to 31, Electoral Affairs Commission chairman Justice Pang Kin-kee says.


The by-election will be held December 2 to fill a vacancy vacated following the death of Ma Lik.


An announcement of the nomination period will be published in the Gazette on September 21. Further arrangements on the by-election itself will be announced in mid-October.


The Electoral Affairs Commission today also released the guidelines for the November 18 District Council election.


The newly designed ballot papers, used for the first time in a District Council election, will allow candidates to request the names, abbreviations of names, and emblems of prescribed bodies; their personal emblems; and the words "independent candidate" or "non-affiliated candidate" to be included on them.


The ballot papers will also display the names, numbers, and photographs of candidates.


The maximum election expenses a candidate can incur have increased from $45,000 to $48,000.


Justice Pang said a financial-assistance scheme has been introduced for candidates in the coming election.


Candidates who are elected or who have obtained 5% or more of valid votes can apply for financial assistance. The amount of financial assistance payable to a candidate is $10 per valid vote, up to a maximum of 50% of the candidate's declared election expenses.


The District Council election will be held on November 18, when polling stations will be open from 7.30am to 10.30pm for voters in contested constituencies to cast their ballots. Each registered voter can vote for one candidate in his or her constituency. A total of 405 elected members will be returned to the 18 District Councils in Hong Kong.


More information on the District Council election is available at the election website. For enquiries, call the hotline, 2891 1001.