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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 23, 2007


Political reform document clear

The Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Bureau says the Green Paper on Constitutional Development has outlined key issues concerning the implementation of universal suffrage in a systemic manner, and is not confusing.


Responding to Anson Chan's comment on the document today, the bureau said the Government issued the paper 11 days after inauguration on July 1, showing its commitment to resolving the universal suffrage issue within the five-year term.


The document has categorised the proposals received and presented them in the paper as three types of options for implementing universal suffrage for electing the Chief Executive and for forming the Legislative Council.


The most crucial elements of the two electoral methods have been presented in the document systematically. The public only needs to make choices on the key issues.


In the coming months, the bureau will engage the Legislative Council and all 18 District Councils in discussing the document. It will also seek to enhance community participation by organising open forums.