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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 22, 2007
LegCo constituency forum to be held

A forum will be held on July 26 to garner public views on the Electoral Affairs Commission's recommendations on the delineation of geographical constituencies for the 2008 Legislative Council Election.


The forum starts 2.30pm at the commission's conference room, 10/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai.


The commission recommends maintaining the boundaries and names of the existing five geographical constituencies, and has proposed to allocate six seats for Hong Kong Island, five for Kowloon West, four for Kowloon East, eight for New Territories West and seven for New Territories East in accordance with the population distribution.


The consultation will run until August 3. All views should be sent to the commission's secretariat by post at 10/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai; by fax to 2511 1682; or by email to


Maps on the proposed delineation and names of geographical constituencies can be downloaded here. For enquiries call 2827 1269.