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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 30, 2007

Inclusiveness key to stability: Hu

CE at welcoming banquet
Chief's speech: President Hu Jintao and Chief Executive Donald Tsang speak at the welcoming banquet, and propose a toast to guests.

The key to ensuring Hong Kong's stability and development is setting aside differences and being inclusive, President Hu Jintao says. More emphasis should be put on national education for youngsters, who are the future of Hong Kong and the Mainland.


"We should foster a strong sense of national identity among the young people in Hong Kong and promote exchanges between them and the young people of the Mainland so that they will carry forward the Hong Kong people's great tradition of 'loving the motherland and loving Hong Kong'," President Hu said.


He also urged Hong Kong people to unite and work together for Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability.