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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department March 16, 2025
June 29, 2007
Population policy report released

The Council for Sustainable Development has released a report putting forward 24 recommendations on the way forward for a sustainable population policy for Hong Kong.


The council's population policy support group convenor Professor Wong Siu-lun said the recommendations touched upon wide-ranging issues under the aegis of the population policy.


The recommendations include the:

* provision of more open space and recreational outlets and the development of culture and the arts to enhance life quality;

* introduction of financial incentives and other support measures to promote parenthood;

* continued enhancement of retraining programmes and talent admission schemes to nurture quality manpower; and,

* promotion of healthy and active ageing.


The Sustainable Development Unit said the Government will consider the recommendations when it formulates a long-term strategy on population policy.


For details of the report click here.