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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 28, 2007

Civil service


IRD achieves performance pledges

Inland Revenue Department

The Inland Revenue Department excelled in some targeted performances while achieving most of its pledges in 2006-07.


The performance target for processing Property Tax Returns and Composite Tax Returns within six months rose to 85%, while that for issuing receipts for tax payments made by electronic means surged to 99%.


The department also shortened the processing time for simple written enquiries to within seven working days with the enhanced standard being achieved, since July last year.


Commissioner of Inland Revenue Alice Lau said the results are encouraging in light of the compressed pledged time for delivering the services under a five-day week.


Mrs Lau attributed the department's achievements to the dedicated efforts of her staff in providing high-quality services to taxpayers, and the department's Users' Committee in monitoring its performance.


At a presentation ceremony for the 2007 Outstanding Customer Service Awards held today, committee members presented prizes to 43 individual and group winners selected by taxpayers.


To further improve quality the department has enhanced the service level of three pledged items since April.


For more information on its performance pledges and its annual report click here. Copies are also available for collection at the department and the Public Enquiry Service Centres of District Offices.