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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department March 18, 2025
June 15, 2007
Civil service
Recruitment test applications to open in August

Applications for the common recruitment examination on October 6 will open from August 4 to 17, the Civil Service Bureau says. The test will also be held on November 24 in six overseas cities for those studying or residing overseas.


Valid common recruitment examination results are required for applying for civil service posts at degree or professional level. For the coming test, holders of degrees or professional qualifications, or university students who will have attained a degree next year may apply.


The test consists of three one-hour papers - use of English, use of Chinese and an aptitude test. For more details about the test and application, click here. Enquiries can be made on 2537 6429 or by emailing


Recruitment exercise

Another round of recruitment for administrative and executive officers will be conducted in September. Similar to last year's exercises, all applicants must obtain Level 2 results in the two language papers and a pass in the aptitude test in the common recruitment examination before they are qualified to apply for the two posts.


Unlike the previous exercises where the application of common recruitment examination and the two posts overlapped and post applicants would automatically be invited to attend the test, the application of the coming test will be earlier than that of the two posts.


Candidates without the requisite results in the common recruitment examination or equivalent must file separate applications for the coming test from August 4 to 17 so that they will be eligible to apply for the two posts in September.