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March 13, 2007
Civil service

Pay survey methodology enhanced


A pay trend survey for the period from April 2 last year to April 1 this year will be conducted based on an improved methodology, the Civil Service Bureau says.


Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue said the improved methodology, supported by the staff sides and the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries & Conditions of Service, will enhance the survey findings' credibility.


The improved pay trend survey methodology encompasses the broadening of the survey field to include both large companies hiring 100 staff or more and smaller companies with 50 to 99 staff, and the modification to the data consolidation method to complement the broadening of the survey field.


As a general guideline, large and smaller companies will make up for 75% and 25% of the survey field. Regard will also be given to selecting companies in the economy's major sectors. 


Survey ends  

The pay level survey with April 1 last year as the reference date, has been completed. The regular and periodic conduct of the survey to ascertain whether civil service pay is broadly comparable with private sector pay is another important component of the improved civil service pay adjustment mechanism.


"We are now in active discussions with the staff sides on how the findings of the just completed 2006 pay level survey should be applied to the civil service, bearing in mind the inherent differences between the civil service and the private sector. We will shortly consult the three advisory bodies on civil service pay and conditions of service, before seeking the advice of the Executive Council and the approval of the LegCo Finance Committee as necessary," Miss Yue said. 


The decision to be made on how civil service pay should be adjusted in light of the pay level survey findings and other relevant considerations will take effect from the survey's reference date - April 1, 2006. Whatever the decision, the salary of serving civil servants will not be reduced to below the level prevailing on June 30, 1997. The civil service pay on April 1, 2006, as and when decided, will serve as the basis for any pay adjustment in 2007-08.


In line with existing policy, any pay adjustment in 2007-08 will be decided in the light of the outcome of the pay trend survey to be conducted shortly under the improved methodology and other relevant considerations such as the state of the economy, the Government's fiscal position, changes in the cost of living, pay claims of the staff sides and civil service morale. And any adjustment will be submitted to the Finance Committee for consideration and approval.  

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