Data-processing work of the 2006 Population By-census is in full swing, with the summary results to be rolled out by the end of February next year, Commissioner for Census & Statistics Fung Hing-wang says.
Mr Fung, who is also the Statistics Advisory Board Chairman, told board members the by-census' detailed results will be available in phases. A range of statistical products will be prepared and multiple channels used to efficiently and effectively disseminate the results.
On the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification, Mr Fung said the current version is being reviewed with reference to the basic framework and principles of the United Nation's upcoming International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Revision 4.
The revised version, to be available by the end of next year, will offer a classification scheme which can better reflect the latest changes in the structure of Hong Kong's economy and the emergence of new economic activities, such as information, communications and financial activities.
On the future development plans for the compilation of foreign affiliates trade in services, board members agreed priority should be accorded in taking the plans forward in view of the growing needs for such statistics.