Open minded: Ombudsman Alice Tai calls on Government departments and public organisations to view complaints with an open mind. |
Government departments and public organisations should view complaints with an open mind and process them with a firm but fair hand, and a responsive but responsible attitude, Ombudsman Alice Tai says.
Speaking at the 10th Anniversary of the Ombudsman's Awards today, Ms Tai said all complaints offer a chance for review and improvement. However, yielding to unreasonable demands to avoid argument with complainants is unwise.
"Unthinking surrender may encourage abuse, unfair advantage or worse, even disrespect for authorities," Ms Tai said.
More than 140 officers from the Government and public organisations were honoured with awards.
The Housing Society, Hongkong Post and the Planning Department won awards this year, achieving excellence in building effective internal administrative systems for quality public service, professionalism in handling complaints, and commitment to improving services. They also supported the Ombudsman's investigations and contributed to a positive complaint culture.
The Grand Award was presented to the Housing Society in recognition of its outstanding performance.
The Inland Revenue Department received the 10-Year Grand Award for its continuously outstanding performance in complaint handling over the past decade.
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