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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 15, 2006
Pang King-chee to head civic education body
Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education

The Home Affairs Bureau has appointed Pang King-chee  as Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education Chairman with immediate effect until March 31 next year, following Daniel Heung's resignation.


Mr Pang is the former Institute of Education Vice-President. He has been serving on the committee for more than five years and is the convenor of the Research & Resource Development Sub-committee.


The committee's work will continue according to the 2006-07 work plan while all existing and planned activities as well as promotional programmes will be implemented as scheduled.


Mr Heung said in a statement that he has been the tenant of a site under short-term tenancy in Kwun Yam Shan, Sha Tin. During the lease period, the tenancy was renewed and the rental was paid accordingly. Hence, the accusation of "illegal occupation of government land" is totally groundless.


He said the building on the leased land was already in existence when the lease commenced. The additional structure was "exempted work" according to the building regulations as it used demountable lightweight materials not affecting the original building structure. Therefore, the accusation of "unauthorised works" is also unfounded.


The tenancy will be terminated tomorrow. Structures on the site will be demolished and reinstatement works will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the short-term tenancy. The site will be retained as a green-belt zone after the land reverts to the Lands Department.